On September 2nd 2020, Matrix Human Services hosted a Back-To-School rally at our downtown office location, giving parents the opportunity to drive through our parking lot and receive back-to-school care packages complete with books, dental care kits, masks, diapers, and more. Tasty Blue Bunny Ice Cream was also provided to every interested parent and child to make the event even more fun for everyone!
Thanks to the generous donation from WXYZ Channel 7 News, The Scripps Howard Foundation, and Scholastic, every child received two books each, completing the 2nd half of a giving campaign that started in January on National Reading Day, when Channel 7 News visited our Infinity I Head Start location and provided books to every classroom at each of our 16 Head Start locations throughout Detroit. Read more about that story here: https://www.matrixhumanservices.org/programs/headstart/matrix-receives-9000-books-for-national-reading-day/
In total, Matrix Human Services received about 9,000 books for our Birth-to-Five Head Start and Early Head Start families thanks to Scholastic and WXYZ Channel 7 News and we could not be more grateful!
Read and watch the story on WXYZ Channel 7 News
Senior Operations Manager of Matrix Human Services Birth-To-Five Program, Ms. Jo-Anne Woodard said,
“Today we have our Back-To-School Rally welcoming our children and families to the 2020/21 school year. We have received a generous donation of books for all of our children, two books per child… for all of our new and returing families. In addition, we are giving each child a back-pack and a mask and diapers, and welcoming ice cream as well so that this is a fun packed day…”
See some photos below
If you are interested in learning more about our Matrix Human Services Birth-To-5 Program, visit