Jun 11, 2020 | Adults, Employee Spotlight, Featured, Matrix Mission, MatrixMission, News
On June 11th, roughly 200 Matrix staff marched for racial equality, for justice, and for the lives of those lost including George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many more. As a diverse organization that has been serving Detroit for 114 years, we strongly...
Jun 5, 2020 | Adults, Community, Featured, MatrixMission, Mission Partners, News, The Matrix Center, Volunteer, Young Adults
From left to right: Detroit Police Officer Brad Hawkins, Detroit City Councilman Scott Benson, Detroit Police Officer Jay Dantzler Detroit Police Officer Jay Dantzler (pictured on the right) has been volunteering with Matrix Human Services for over 5 years to help...
Jun 4, 2020 | Adults, Early Childhood, Family, Featured, Matrix Head Start, Matrix Mission, News, Parents
Like all of us, Ms. Danielle Murphy was caught off guard by Coronavirus. which lead to her work dropping her hours. At the same time, her 2-year-old daughter was no longer attending Carlee’s Daycare Center in Detroit after schools were closed for Coronavirus...
Jun 3, 2020 | Family, Featured, News, Parents, Programs, Success Story, Teens, Youth & Family
In late April through mid May, our Matrix Youth Assistance program was excited to connect with youth clients again via a delivery of 150 tablets to their homes after schools closed for the year on March 16th due to Coronavirus. With the delivery of the tablets, our...